Do you want to write for this blog? We are now taking guest posts. If you wish to be an author and possess the required practical knowledge, please get in touch with us. We are in need of blog posts related to immigration. You're welcome to submit articles at any level, but they have to be well written in order for us to accept them for our blog. We're specifically interested in articles with a geographic nexus. However we'll consider any contribution.
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Author: Admin-Shmrspkst
Getting Going Again – Topical Immigration
We thought we'd start up an interesting new blog right here at ShimerSpeaksOut. Clearly this is not something that you'd consider a particularly revolutionary step because a lot of web sites, which include immigration ones run a blog. But, though we maybe are late to the blog party, we aim to make a contribution. Make sure you search for articles or postings on immigration.
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Welcome to the New ShimerSpeaksOut
Hello and Welcome! This is the new ShimerSpeaksOut, which is devoted to the very topical issue of Immigration. We've put some basic information on immigration on the site to get started. We have also been updating the site. We wanted to make it easier to contact us, so we are replacing our email address and added a contact us page. We will soon be announcing how you can participate too. We will be opening up the blog. We will be seeking contributors who have something to offer on immigration. Se...
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